Friday, April 25, 2008

What does it mean to be the owner?

I am wrestling with what it means to be the owner? What expectations should I have for my staff? Should those be different for the key staff members? I look at my company and my role in it and try to figure it all out. I feel that I am trying to be too much to everyone instead of letting my managers field items...but that means letting go of control...and I am a control freak. I think it all comes back to accountability, and holding everyone - including myself - accountable. Setting the expectations and then measuring them to the expectations never stops. As an owner, once you stop, so will the behavior. So, I guess I just need to get back to the basics - set my expectations for my key staff - monitor their actions and hold them accountable for the results. By doing so I will be holding myself accountable for staying in the right place in the business.