Monday, February 16, 2009

What are the true benefits of peer groups?

Let's face it. Everyone is scared. You can't read a newspaper, turn on the tv or have a conversation with a peer without the topic changing to fears about the economy. Don't get me wrong, it is real. As much as I want to bury my head in the sand and think that it is not real, it is real, and people are really suffering.

At times like this, every expense is scrutinized. So...what about Peer Groups? What is the value of your Peer Groups? How many Peer Groups is to many? The answer is different for different people and situations. I can't answer that for everyone, just for myself...and my answer many as you can be impactful with. Life is about relationships and the people we surround ourselves with. Some of the most valued opinions I get come directly from my HTG and WPO groups. These people KNOW me and more importantly, KNOW my business. I can also trust that they will give me their honest thoughts and opinions, not just tell me what I want to hear. So what is that worth? A lot.

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