Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Being Transparent

In talking to a colleague, they stated that they described me as "what you see is what you get with Erin." At first it didn't sound right. However, after thinking about it more, I began to take pride in that observation. I don't like shadow games and I strive to be honest and upfront in all of my dealings, personal and professional. I also try to demonstrate that behavior for my staff, and they are picking up on it...I think. "We are a genuine company" was a quote from one of my sales team members, "that is what makes us different." So why am I taking time to write a blog about this you might ask? Well, I sometimes forget that other companies don't work the same way and it frustrates me.

Why is it so hard to be open and honest? Why do some companies shy away from co-opetition? Does it all go back to fear of sharing too much? Maybe it is because I am young and not jaded, but I hope not. I have role models that demonstrate daily what it is like to work with authentic leadership daily. I know it can be done, it is a choice. It does require faith however. Faith in yourself, faith in your company, and dare I say faith in God.

So, the point of this post is this: you can be authentic and still be successful. Do the right thing in all of your interactions. It really does make you feel good!

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