Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Being Transparent

In talking to a colleague, they stated that they described me as "what you see is what you get with Erin." At first it didn't sound right. However, after thinking about it more, I began to take pride in that observation. I don't like shadow games and I strive to be honest and upfront in all of my dealings, personal and professional. I also try to demonstrate that behavior for my staff, and they are picking up on it...I think. "We are a genuine company" was a quote from one of my sales team members, "that is what makes us different." So why am I taking time to write a blog about this you might ask? Well, I sometimes forget that other companies don't work the same way and it frustrates me.

Why is it so hard to be open and honest? Why do some companies shy away from co-opetition? Does it all go back to fear of sharing too much? Maybe it is because I am young and not jaded, but I hope not. I have role models that demonstrate daily what it is like to work with authentic leadership daily. I know it can be done, it is a choice. It does require faith however. Faith in yourself, faith in your company, and dare I say faith in God.

So, the point of this post is this: you can be authentic and still be successful. Do the right thing in all of your interactions. It really does make you feel good!

Monday, July 13, 2009

It's not's me

When did telling the truth become a no-no in business? I am struck by how many conversations I have with businesspeople who take the easy way out. Integrity is something that is so rare these days that when you witness it, you almost want to stop and stare. If a vendor is not meeting your needs, tell them so that they have a chance to change. It makes me sad to think that we have become so dog eat dog that we no longer help each other succeed. There is enough business out there for everyone. If I lose a client to a competitor, I will gain another from another competitor. No big deal. But if you decide to go with someone else, please be honest and let me know why. Give me a chance to improve my company so that I can do better for my other clients. Don't leave me wondering and hypothesizing about what your real reasoning's behind a decision. So if it really is you...say so! Give them a chance to improve. They may have not even known they were doing anything wrong!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Running and hiding

Had a very interesting conversation with some other business professionals today about networking and groups. As the economy keeps getting worse, I am seeing a trend of people retracting into their shells. Why? I don't get it. During trying times we need to be out even more. Join more more people! People buy from people, so now more than ever we need to get out there!

Friday, March 20, 2009

The value of an appointment

This is a basic concept...if you have an appointment at 8:00, be there BEFORE 8. As a leader of my company, I have my share of appointments. Some I go to, others people come to see me. I gage the amount of mind share I will give based on the promptness of the people for the meeting. If they are late, then it appears that they are not serious about the meeting, or even worse, about our relationship. Many will say that is not the case, but it seems that our society has relaxed so much that "as long as I am close" to the appointment it is okay. We need to go back and refresh our viewpoint on what being a Professional is: Being on-time, being prepared, investing in the other party, and doing the right thing.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Running and hiding

Had a very interesting conversation with some other business professionals today about networking and groups. As the economy keeps getting worse, I am seeing a trend of people retracting into their shells. Why? I don't get it. During trying times we need to be out even more. Join more more people! People buy from people, so now more than ever we need to get out there!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Back at Work

After a very informative look at what a new church plant will face, I am back to work at the office.  But I am here with a worried mind.  I read yesterday that Ingram Micro laid-of 8% of it's North American workforce.  All of the big manufacturer's are cutting back and GM is even dismantling one of it's best brands (in my opinion!).  So the question has to be asked...when do you cut?  Or better yet, do you cut?  I have been working at NSN for over 15 years now so I have lived through some lean economic times.  What I remember about that time is the fear.  What I also remember is that we didn't cut.  Larry ran the company very lean and sacrificed himself so that his staff would survive.  The benefit to that, we have many employees that have been here 10+ years.  You can't buy that kind of loyalty!  So as I look at the books, and compare to the budget, I am still trying to be the optimist (shocking as that is to most of you!)  I believe we can work lean and excel.  This is a time of opportunity as well, so we need to focus our energy on that and go!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Taking a vacation day for my other passion

Today I am taking a vacation day so that I can go to a new church
start meeting in Columbus. For those who do not know, the other main
passion in my life is Children's Ministry. I run the Children's
Ministry for our new church start location. Glad to have mobile

Monday, February 16, 2009

What are the true benefits of peer groups?

Let's face it. Everyone is scared. You can't read a newspaper, turn on the tv or have a conversation with a peer without the topic changing to fears about the economy. Don't get me wrong, it is real. As much as I want to bury my head in the sand and think that it is not real, it is real, and people are really suffering.

At times like this, every expense is scrutinized. So...what about Peer Groups? What is the value of your Peer Groups? How many Peer Groups is to many? The answer is different for different people and situations. I can't answer that for everyone, just for myself...and my answer many as you can be impactful with. Life is about relationships and the people we surround ourselves with. Some of the most valued opinions I get come directly from my HTG and WPO groups. These people KNOW me and more importantly, KNOW my business. I can also trust that they will give me their honest thoughts and opinions, not just tell me what I want to hear. So what is that worth? A lot.